Local Hometown History

In 1941, Columbia Perpetual Building and Loan, Hope Building and Loan, Institute Building and Loan, Protected Building and Loan, and Security Perpetual Building and Loan merged to form Millville Savings and Loan Association with assets totaling $387,174.

The mission of the newly founded association was to encourage home ownership and promote saving. In October 1941, a contract was awarded to Raymond Goodwin for the construction of an office building at 219 North High Street. The cost was not to exceed $9,500. The office building, costing $9,107, was open for business on March 20, 1942. The staff consisted of an Executive Secretary and a teller/ stenographer. Since then, Millville Savings continues to provide the City of Millville and beyond prompt and friendly service, the latest in banking technology, and great rates. The Millville Savings office at 100 Albertson Street, opened for business in April 1987. The Albertson Street location has a full-service lobby with six teller stations, four drive-thru lanes, a 24-hour walk-up ATM, and a 24-hour drive-up ATM. This location now also serves as the corporate headquarters. The building on North High Street was sold in 2002. In December 2007, Millville Savings opened a second office at 904 West Main Street with a full-service lobby, two drive-thru lanes, and a 24-hour drive-up ATM.

Past Managing Officers

David C. Dondero1941 - 1942
Dilbert C. Pheiffer1942 - 1965
Robert T. Shannon1965 - 1973
Benjamin Hottell1973 - 1974
Daniel F. Baer1974 - 2001
Gary Simmerman2002 - 2003
David J. Greenfield2003 - present

Past Presidents

Clarence Reeves1941 - 1968
Carl H. Johnson Sr.1968 - 1970
Robert T. Shannon1971 - 1973
Daniel F. Baer1974 - 2001
Floyd Dodson2001 - 2004
David J. Greenfield2004 - present

Past Chairmen of The Board

Carl H. Johnson Sr.1971 - 1978
John L. McDonnell1978 - 2003
William Wenz2003 - 2017
G. Michael Mitchell2018 - 2021
Chuck Wyble2022 - Present

Current Directors

Chuck WybleChairman
David J. GreenfieldVice Chairman
Shauna BertonazziDirector, Secretary
Robert GehringDirector
Louis L. Petrini, Sr.Director
Matthew J. RobinsonDirector